The Ultimate Salesman
Many salesmen have this belief that since they are selling a genuine quality product people will naturally buy it. It sounds good, but it just simply isn’t true. You have to sell yourself as well as the product. People buy the salesman not the product. Most customers will remember a good salesman for years. I still run into customers from years ago that still remember me.
Psychology I would say is the biggest part of selling. Knowing how the mind works and reacts to certain things is a great asset to any salesman. I will discuss in this book different techniques to affect the subconscious of a customers mind. There are little things you can do that can have a powerful impact on the customer. For example when closing the deal did you know not having your own ink pen can jeopardize the deal?
Fear and uncertainty are a salesman’s worst enemies. When I began sales many
times I would be scared to ask the customer to buy. It is understandable for you to fear hearing the word no. Don’t be discouraged by that. Every good salesman has had to deal with this fear. I have included ways to turn that fear into courage which will ultimately turns into a sale.
As a salesman you have to learn to love the word no. I’m pretty sure 90% of my sales start off with the customer telling me no. There was a saying we had at Kirby, “we can hear a thousand no’s, but all we need is one yes”. People’s natural reaction to anything is to say no. The word no comes out a lot easier than the word yes. Yes is a word that suggests commitment, and we all know people naturally have a fear of commitment.
Fear of objection comes from human insecurity. Remember back in school you had to wear the right clothes if you wanted to fit in? The reason you didn’t wear pink tube socks with green velvet jackets was because of the fear of objection. No one wants to feel objected in any form. It makes us feel bad about ourselves. I will teach you how to overcome every objection a customer can throw at you. You will learn to love objection. I’ve been known to ask for more objections just so I can shut them down. Once you get all the objections out the way there are no more excuses not to buy.
Business Tip,
sales guide,
supreme wealth alliance,
swa ultimate
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